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It’s Time To Heal Yourself
And Learn To Heal Others

🟢What is it?
With the Anshara AHA! Method® of Accelerated Healing and Abundance you will
get life answers. You become FREE to take charge of your life once and for all!
The Anshara AHA! Method® teaches you how to heal yourself Emotionally, Mentally,
Physically, Spiritually, and Financially.

Through private sessions and through the intuitive Powers/Practical Application
You will learn how to naturally heal yourself in a safe, loving environment.

🔵With the Anshara Institute Anshara AHA! Method®

• Scheduled Classes
• Practical Easy Exercises
• 1on1 sessions
• This class will count as a credit toward becoming a Certified Facilitator
and/or Train the Trainer of the Anshara AHA! Method®

LOCATION: 6701 E. Clinton Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

(One block north of Shea between 66th and 68th
on the south side of Clinton at the Red mailbox)

