HOW THIS COURSE CAN LEAD YOU TO BETTER, HEALTH, ABUNDANCE, JOY, AND MORE! Sherry Anshara guides participants to further develop their natural abilities to connect to their HEART. Clearing the Duality left computer brain "thinky - thinky" that can never override your heartfelt intentions. Through this process of clearing the biology of learned belief systems, […]
Overcome The Fear Of Being Judged By Others! Determine if the Reality of your Authentic Self is ‘really’ a description of someone or some group’s idea of you. ✨What You'll Learn: 📌Being your Authentic Self means Freedom from social fears, Freedom of expression, & Freedom of decision-making. 📌When you are your Authentic Self you trust […]
It's Time To Heal Yourself And Learn To Heal Others 🟢What is it? With the Anshara AHA! Method® of Accelerated Healing and Abundance you will get life answers. You become FREE to take charge of your life once and for all! The Anshara AHA! Method® teaches you how to heal yourself Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually, […]