Not to discount or disregard the meaning of Valentine’s Day as a day of celebrating love for those you are honoring whether for romantic reasons or just to express love, it is amazing what the foundation of this holiday is about! According to the real history of Valentine’s Day, it originated as a liturgical “feast” to celebrate the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr or maybe two. What?
Perhaps this is where the idea of two people being involved in something together for a cause! Perhaps it is a weird way to celebrate a person or persons who have agreed to give up their lives for some Duality Belief System or ideology of sacrifice. With that said, what an interesting premise of sacrifice, surrendering one’s life and being willing to concede that one’s life is less important than life itself.
Without judgment and sticking to the facts, how interesting is it that Duality’s Belief Systems, can be manipulated into the idea of sacrificing a life is something good? Yet the foundation of this Belief System is based upon death. What is even more curious is that the principles of an ideology or a Duality Belief System of the destruction of life can be the underlying, hidden “consciousness” which really does not support the manifestation or actualization of what appears to represent the ideal of love from the heart!
How amazingly interesting!!! Valentine’s Day in this current terms of expression and “consciousness” is about love. This day represents the gifting of items that are in the symbol of the heart. Yet the heart of the matter of Valentine’s Day is originally based upon sacrifice and death!
Again without judging either the foundation or the modern version of what Valentine’s Day represents, the fact is there is a “hidden” agenda in this holiday. Many times, hidden agendas as the foundation of consciousness whether conscious or not, there is a resonance of vibratory frequencies that are not compatible with life let alone love.

How can these underlying agendas represent the heart, love, and connection that is not predicated on sacrifice? Hmmm! Just a thought! Underlying agendas can very easily manipulate a situation, an event, and even a relationship. Well if this isn’t food for thought???
Whenever this day of celebration, based upon the sacrifice of life, began to shift or change is quite amazing. Even outstanding!!! Again, though there is a foundation or basis for letting go of the connection to life as in sacrifice, the timing and the time it took for this shift to happen and evolve is incredibly remarkable.
This is proof that something “bad” can be turned around into something good if not great! Remember good and bad are Duality terms of measurement. Anyway, the extraordinary change or shift eventually created a holiday that is represented by hearts, love, and connection. The connection is not just romantic but an honoring of each other. Recognition of those you love is wonderful.
Giving heart-shaped objects represents the idea of heart-to-heart! Expressing love in the form of all sorts of gifts in the form of hearts. Without any emotional agendas to the giving of these gifts in the forms of cards, candy, or flowers, these gifts are expressed through “Feelings”! Feelings are the foundation of connections. Not emotions! Feelings originate from your heart, your real brain!
How absolutely astonishing, yet practical in terms of honoring someone you love through these gifts which represent your heart or receiving gifts from others that represent their heart to you, the consciousness foundation of Valentine’s Day from death to symbolizing the connection of love and life is a definite paradigm shift!
Somewhere along the timelines of this sacrifice paradigm of a Duality Belief System of death, this proves that consciousness honoring love, and connections are far more significant and beneficial to life. So this evolved paradigm of Valentine’s Day is so much more valuable within relationships that now represent… Love, Heartness, Connectedness and Harmony…and LIFE!
Trust this article will inspire you, the reader, to remember that love is not based upon sacrifice and death. The love from your heart is founded upon, centered in your heart of unconditional acceptance for those individuals that you gift from your heart this Valentine’s Day!
“The Heart of the Matter is all that Matters to Your Heart! – Sherryism |

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