Have you noticed that you are overtired, having trouble sleeping, exhausted for no reason, sick and tired of being sick and tired, being sad for no reasonable reason, in fact, being something other than your Self for no reasonable reason?  There is an answer to all of this.  The fear of the Collective Consciousness is permeating this planet right now.

Wars, uprisings, the hurricane disasters, the earthquakes, the financial situations, the nuclear fall-out from the nuclear plant disasters, chronic diseases, human brutality, child abuse, sexual abuse, dysfunctions of all types. The list goes on permeating the atmosphere of the earth into an intensified field of collective fear that is affecting every human on this planet right now.  This intensified fear field is affecting the planet.

The societal cure is a pill or some modality or head treatment which is supposed to give you the answers.  How is that working for you?  Or anyone for that matter?   None of these “finding the answers outside of your Self can “cure” the collective fear or your own personal fears.  “You cure hams and meat, you can’t cure humans.”  Humans have to heal their own personal issues first.  This means “you” have to be responsible for your own life without the personal judgment of your Self or others.

Stop looking outside of your Self for the “cure”!  Stop looking for an authority figure, or some invisible guru to give you your answer.  By the way guru means “G” “U” “R” “U”!  Got it!  Look… you did the best and worst you could with what you knew and didn’t know.  It was mostly what you didn’t know that is the problem.  Too many dysfunctional Bands of limiting Belief Systems, the B.S. Programs telling you… “You are not deserving, not smart enough, not something or other… not, not, blah, blah, blah!  These “nots” turn into knots and you get sick and more fear-filled.  Be afraid of the power of your Self is the biggest fear.

These overwhelming “bands” of fear are connecting to everyone.  Wherever you are holding your largest fear center in your body is where you get hooked into the fear bands.  Frequency and vibration attract frequency and vibration.  Fear attracts fear.  The fears are intensified by the news media, the governments. To whatever particular group of fear mongers you are emotionally attached, the fears will affect your life.  Wherever you get emotionally hooked, you must address the fear issue within your own body.  The fear or fears stuck in your body consciously or unconsciously affect and influence your energy and you feel drained. The fear affects your life, your health and your wealth. Cut the bands!

Your computer/brain is not affected.  Your brain is not your intelligence.  Your brain is a computer to organize information.  Most people live through their left brain on a loop of dysfunctional repetition.  You “think” your computer/brain is the reason you fear.  Computers don’t fear.  They are mechanical technology.  The infinite intelligence and intellect in your body is what is impacted by the fears because you are processing your life through a computer/brain.  Fear does not resonate to the frequency and vibration of your body that is the real you…loving, creative and connected.  This permeating fear keeps you disconnected from not only your Self but from your loving innate, natural connection to others and this planet.

As long as you are disconnected from Self, the only thing you will be connected to are the fears, the dysfunctions and the incredible trauma dramas.  You continue to look outside of your Self for your own personal answers.  Can’t happen, never will!  If you “think” you found the “right” answer outside of you,  the problem may be solved for a minute or two, but then you are “right” back into the trauma dramas. With a Self-Resolution there is no long term or real solution.  You must know what is the correct answer for you for a particular issue.

As part of a collective you are kept in the dark, kept in the servitude to serve the fear or fears instead of connecting to the infinite intelligence and intellect that you are in your physical body of consciousness. Stay out of the fear, trust your intuition, trust your heart, trust your gut feeling.  Don’t live in limited Belief Systems. You have a choice…Fear or Clear!!!  Find your own Truth inside of you.  Start with your Heart.  If something doesn’t feel correct to you, don’t do it.  Get more facts.  If it still doesn’t feel correct, move on. Stay out of the emotional attachments to the fears.  Stay in connection with your Self!

Most modalities teach you the answers are outside of your Self.  The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing & Abundance directs you deep within your Cellular Memory to find your Truth.  You remember to trust your Self.  The Anshara Method shows you, not tells you,  what to do to stay out of the fear and how to get connected to your Self. Whether we work with you in person, over skype or on the phone, you get the results you require to live a healthy life. You do get clear instead of being traumatized by the dramas and the fear.  The Anshara Method is like no other method for reaching levels of your clear consciousness, underneath the rubble of fears.  You absolutely Take Back Your Power.  You live consciously with your Self and for your Self. You get the correct answers inside of your Self.  Whatever your method of Self-healing make sure it doesn’t include the answers outside of you. The correct answers are inside of you accessed through asking the correct questions.  This is how the Anshara Method works!