By the thesaurus, regret is to be sorry, be apologetic, be repentant, be disappointed or grieve. Stop! Don’t beat your Self up with guilt over something in your past. Without judging anything in your past, let’s look at this idea of regret. Whatever you did in the past is whatever you did in the past. Yes, there may have been times when you would have liked to have done something different, said something else, or wished that the experience never had happened. Yet the fact is what happened in the past happened in the past.
Without saying it is time to let go of the past. Perhaps it is the perfect time to reflect on your experiences, not to re-traumatize your Self, or bemoan your experiences but see as the non-emotional observer that what you did, said, or didn’t say is exactly the perfection of what you judged as imperfect. You absolutely did the best and worst that you did with what you knew and didn’t know. Mostly it was what you didn’t know at that time because you didn’t have the experience at that particular moment to know what to do with the experience.
The perfection of the past is to see, without any judgment of your Self, how perfectly you involved your Self in an experience. The most amazing part of your involvement is in that particular time in your past, how you were influenced by circumstances, the person or people who were in your life at that particular time. Each year or decade of your Self was indeed influenced by what was happening at the time. So whatever you did, you did!
Being emotionally upset and regretting something you can not change doesn’t serve you. Taking up time in your life now by holding on to some incident or situation in the past, only holds you stuck there. For sure, if something could be changed, you would have changed your participation back then. But today is today, so why dwell on something that is impossible to change.
The only thing you can change is by not letting your Self regret something unchangeable affect your life now. Use those past experiences to not get involved now in something, some relationship, or some situation that in your future you will look back and regret.
Take the time to see where you are now. Make certain that how you participate is how you are choosing to participate.
Don’t waste any more energy on regret. Make sure you are clear and don’t get involved in anything that would make you regretful. Leave regret in the past and step forward into life! Create memorable experiences. Remember experiences are the events in your life that are much better than being memorable than regrettable! Goodbye regret, hello memorable!

“Is it wait or weight….so what are you carrying around waiting to let go of the weight of the emotional issues stuck in your body?” – Sherryism |

Are you READY for 2021?
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Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
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Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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