What a fascinating topic… Bi-Location. According to Wikipedia, or Metaphysicians, or Scientists, or whomever or whatever, it is the state of being or ability to be in two places at the same time. Or maybe three or four or five places at one time??? Hmmm!!!
Well from a standpoint of Duality, you, me, and everyone Bi-Locates all the time!!! WHAT? “Are you kidding me?”. According to the rules or the laws of nature within Duality, no one can Bi-Locate!!! WHAT? Well, this is not the Truth!
As a practical person to my very core, whenever dogmatic rules are set, my question is, and it can be your question also… “Who says so?” As I share this information in this article, let’s trust that you as the reader will “put on your Bi-Locating Cap” and begin to see you, your life, and the way you create your life from a Bi-Locating view! WOWZER!
What is a Bi-Locating Cap and Bi-Locating view? Well, they go hand in hand! Or perhaps it is the “Cap” in the Left Duality Computer Brain that “CAPS” you all the time! WHAT? Well, in Duality which is based upon all kinds of “CAPS”. These CAPS, in capital letters, are the limitations of Duality.
WHAT? Limitations. How many times have you been told you are unlimited? Yet? You experience limitations. Here’s a perfect example. The Sky is the Limit! Well, if the Sky is limited what happens when you go past the SKY into the Universe? Well, there is the CAP that the Universe is limited? Oops! Now there is talk of the Multi-verse.
SO! The point is how long does it take for a CAP to be in existence? Remember Existence is not LIVING, it is existing. Huge difference in how you or anyone processes your life and your creativity! Well in Duality life is a process, from time line to time line! With CAPS, it is a process of repetition regardless of the technology that appears to make life better.
The key factor out of Duality is the PROGRESSIVE PROCESS! Duality processing is repeatable and so many times “boring” without really Consciously Progressing. Just consider this as you read this article and let your body take this in!!! Duality Process of Non-Duality Progressive Process huge difference. Especially in the idea of Bi-Locating!
Well, again what is the point of Bi-Location? The first answer is how you either Duality Process your life or Non-Duality Progressively Process your Life! WHAT? There’s that what again!!!
In Duality, you Bi-Locate all the time. Yes, all the time!!! How do you do that? Well…. When you are “Stuck” in your left computer brain and you are very emotional, your body has to go along with the “repeat” situations, events or circumstances in your life. No Judgment?
How about an event that occurred in your life that hurt you, prevented you from doing what you would like to do, or you were labeled a label that is not you, you were judged, you were told you couldn’t do something, you were told you weren’t good enough, you were told…told told told from a person, group, institution or whomever or whatever!
This is what happens in Duality you Bi-Locate in your current moment into the past through your Left Computer Brain with all these words, judgments, all the “tolds” that limited you! You are for sure allowing the past through emotionally Bi-Locating into the past through your Left Computer Brain!
Your Duality Left Computer Brain has no idea what real-time is! Your Left Computer Brain is “timeline stuck” in all those limitations and opinions locating you in the past in the current moment. In Duality this happens over and over again… all your times!
Wasting your time, your creativity, and your life! Bi-Locating your Self, your Creativity and Your Life into a place that no longer exists. This is called “existence” through Bi-Locating your Self into a space or spaces of limitations that are “stuck” in your Left Computer Brain! This is a repeatable dysfunction of the Duality Programs.
You deserve so much more than this! As you expand, not higher and lower a Duality measurement, you magnify your abilities to develop beyond these Duality limitations placed on you in the past or pasts. As you become more and more Clearly Conscious within your Self from the inside out, the real magic happens. You expand your resonance in any direction or directions in which are focused.
As you direct your energy field from the inside of you to your outside world, this expansion and expansiveness within you manifest and actualizes beyond any Duality measurements. As your expansion of Clear Consciousness comes ALIVE within YOU, your ability to be amazingly extraordinary happens.
Extraordinary YOU Become! Your innate abilities to be and live multi-dimensionally happen naturally! This is who you are and have always been. You are remarkable. Remarkable is your natural beyond Duality abilities to make a mark in your life from the inside out. This is your own personal trademark or characteristic as a multi-dimensional YOU!

As this occurs, in whatever timeline or time you are willing to make a Non-Duality Promise to your Self, to be in this lifetime, this current time of you, the magnitude of your natural innate abilities to be multi-dimensional happens naturally!
Your abilities to create, implement, manifest, and now ACTUALIZE YOU, your life, and how, when where, and why you design, invent, initiate, and produce your Self every minute of your life without having to think from your Duality Left Computer Brain.
As you become this natural innate creator, implementor, manifester, and actualizer of your Self, your capacities, yes plural… capacities…to expand beyond these Duality Belief Systems, the B.S. at this moment is most challenging to describe!
Now back to Bi-Location! You, your body can now learn how to Bi-Locate without being disconnected or “out of body”! You can be on purpose with a purpose for many purposes. In my Quantum Class, have been teaching this for many many years. Having fun Bi-Locating fearlessly!
As you learn to Bi-Locate naturally with purpose, you are for sure expanding your Self as a natural Multi-dimensional person. You can learn so much not being confined in the density of Duality. This Duality density confines YOU and your abilities to learn, educate, explore, and experience YOU in many places and/or dimensions. So much fun!
With my clients all over the USA and globally, they “feel” me when I Bi-Locate to them. The deepest connections and yet so practical. Bi-Locating to them and to be “with” them in a private session whether I am on the phone with them or just connecting to them without any technology, they experience not only the connection with me physically, though I am “located” in Arizona and they are wherever they are in their “location”!
Bi-Locating literally means being in two places at once. How? Being the Consciousness of Non-Duality and using your natural innate Multi-Dimensional abilities naturally!!! This is the best aspect of you being unlimited. There is no fear, just fearlessness!
Consider what using these natural abilities you have inside of you every day in your life, what amazing connections you can create! The gratitude for me, is the TRUST that occurs between me and my clients and/or friends when we experience together this unlimitedness!
This is THE BIG SHIFT from the inside out. Your physical human body holds these unlimited powers with you and everyone. Consciously Choosing Fearlessly is your Newness Relationship with your Self… from the inside out!
“BE Your Multi-Dimensional Self…so much more fun and enlightening!” – Sherryism |

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Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration, and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance will always work for you in the best, most beneficial ways with instant results! The Best Part of this membership… It is so affordable, a small investment with continuing benefits for you each and every day. You have three exciting tiers to choose from! Make and Take this opportunity! You will be so glad you are doing it!
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Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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