The amazing perspective about the Bucket List is the yearning, waiting, hoping and wishing for something that may or may never materialize in your life.  The Bucket List is a great idea.  But more times than not, the Bucket List gets lost in the everyday ins and outs of life.  The Bucket List is usually buried underneath the intentions about work, relationships, money, etc, etc, etc.  The Bucket List is usually the last list you work on.

So let’s Kick the Bucket List Over.  Let’s begin your new Heart List.  This is an interactive, current, right in your beautiful face list of To Do’s that are real, no waiting to happen. This is the list that you can do everyday.  You can do it each and every day of your life.  No Wait!  Just do list.

This list can have as many things on your list as you would like to accomplish.  Take Five now!  During your day, be still, meditate or have an inner conversation with your Self. You can even have a conversation with God, Source or your own personal Grand Pooba of the Universe.

On this Heart List you can write down items that are real to your day’s action plan.

Here are some great Heart List ideas:

1.      Take my Self out for a fabulous dinner and enjoy being with my Self.

2.      Go eat an outrageous desert for lunch and use up your calories for the week.

3.      Buy a book for the fun of it.  Who cares if is self-help.

4.      Rent a movie that you would like to see, eat lots of popcorn.

5.      Take a day off, lay around in your P.J.s and smile at your Self.

6.      Don’t answer the phone for one hour, meditate.

7.      Fix a dinner for your Self that you love.

8.      Take a drive for no reason and explore.

You get the idea.  Start writing down all those little things that add up to big things in your life, make them happen for your Self.  This is not selfish.  This is being Centered In Self.  You deserve to have an active Heart List. You deserve to do wondrous things for your Self. You can also include others in your Heart List, but only if they get this is an item on your Heart List.  If they don’t get it, so what!  You do it anyway!

With a Heart List, there is no waiting for something to happen.  You make the happening happen while you happen to bring your Heart List alive in your life.  Do it!  Create your personal Heart List.  While you are “doing” some of the things on your list, smile!  Enjoy making your Heart List actualize each and every day.  No more sacrifice waiting to make things on your Bucket List happen.  Engage your Self.  Do it now.  Create your Heart List, Implement your Heart List and now Manifest your Heart List.  Enjoy your Heart List journey daily!