The truth is you are God….you are your part of the Universal and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness of ALLNESS! This means that your Beingness of being the connection to your Self, everyone and everything in all the dimensions, the realms, the places, and the spaces in which you participate!
You are qualitative and quantitative of your Self. You do not require validation outside of your Self by anyone, any group, any so-called qualification that does not support you to be YOU!
A degree or title is not who you are. Titles and degrees are your processes that you “conditioned” and created for your Self to achieve the recognition that requires the “outside” to validate you. It is the way. It is not your only way. It is a way of your self-discovery!
All your experiences are your “ways”, your paths, your journeys, your roads to express your Self through your creativity by consciously being involved in your own personal evolution of your Self. How Brilliant!!
Whatever is or are your profession(s), what you profess from your cellular (ion) space or level(s) of consciousness is not your definition or how you are defined! Again this is a way or the ways of your own Self-expression(s) that you created to experience your creativity.
What happens is everyone can get caught up in the definition. What is happening is being defined as an aspect or aspects of you at your cellular (ion) level). When You or anyone else buys into the labels, forgetting happens! Forgetting what the “WAY” is all about! You forget you created this experience(s) to experience the what, how, and why you created to experiences you created to experience! WOW!
The way is about finding the God or the Godness, the essence of God within you. Godness is your creativity. When you are CONSCIOUS, you are applying in real practical clear ways to have your experiences. How amazing and perfect.

In says in the Bible and in many of the ancient and current
writings and messages. “We are ALL made in God’s Image!
The question to ask… “Why are you or anyone less?
Makes No Sense!!!
In the beginning, God created!!! Now you are made in God’s
Image and God Created. SO!!! The point is to be consciously
aware as a God being/person, not A God, you are here to “create”!
What, where, how, and why you Create…is the QUESTION!!!
What occurs is when your Duality Childish Adult Ego gets caught up in a particular label or labels, the definition of being “a god” of a profession, instead of professing your truth as the Godness within you… Well, now and then, and most times… the “devil” shows up! What happens? The perfect repeatable scenes of the never-ending trauma dramas show up led by the Childish Adult Ego’s labels of who you “think” you are, “forgetting” who you really are! Your CAE trickster magician shows up! You forget your own Magic of the Godness within you!
Wow! what a waste of time management in your Continuum! However from the observer’s perch, NEO, Non-Emotional Observer with the Perfect Child Within, hand in hand from the position of being perched on a pedestal, you can “see” the illusions of greater than someone else.
The highest level of irrelevancy is forgetting what the relevance of a degree or label is about in your journey of self-connection with your God Self, the Godness within you, connected with your knowledge by “remembering” through your experiences of educating your Self!
Acknowledge your amazing Childish Adult Ego “being” so caught up in the label and definition, that the molecules of thick, dense, gelatinous emotions enveloped the cells so the cells couldn’t “remember” what the journey was really about! Education your Self to learn about your Self!! No lessons are required!
Now the difference! Being “a god” is control and
manipulation. Being the God, the Godness within
you is being who you really are…an amazing human
Now as you make that connecting with the Godness/the God within YOU, YOU are being in your current moment(s) on purpose with purposes to create, implement, manifest, and actualize all the experiences you are creating to experiences. FYI…even relationships…the first one being with your Self!
The journey is “remembering” you are God, not a god! Get the point. It is the point of your journey or journeys to Earth, to this dimension and any other dimensions or realms to which you elect and select to journey.
As diverse as your lifetimes, your ethnic backgrounds, your experiences, so are the creativity and the creations of the God within you. When you get caught up in the physical molecules of your emotions that are scripted by your Childish Adult Ego, become the challenges written into your scripts!!! When you get carried away by the Duality bands of emotions, immersed in the density of the illusions, the forgetting happens!
“Consciousness is the Key to your Allness, Your Connectedness and Heartness through your Godness!” – Sherryism |

Are you READY for 2021?
About this Event
Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance will always work for you in the best, most beneficial ways with instant results! The Best Part of this membership… It is so affordable, a small investment with continuing benefits for you each and every day. You have three exciting tiers to choose from! Make and Take this opportunity! You will be so glad you are doing it!
Available 24/7 for you!
See YOU there!
Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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1:1 support session