HOW THIS COURSE CAN LEAD YOU TO BETTER, HEALTH, ABUNDANCE, JOY, AND MORE! Sherry Anshara guides participants to further develop their natural abilities to connect to their HEART. Clearing the Duality left computer brain "thinky - thinky" that can never override your heartfelt intentions. Through this process of clearing the biology of learned belief systems, […]
We’re Back Live and In-person! The Anshara Center of Consciousness Presents Meditations with Sherry Anshara 👉The focus of the meditations is to set intentions for your personal health and prosperity with results. 📌Last Thursday of the Month @7:00pm - 8:30 PM AZ PST 📌6701 E Clinton St. Scottsdale, AZ 85254 In the studio behind the […]
Do you know how difficult it is to stand for your truth when you are being defined by someone else’s idea of who you are? Do you get tired of stuffing down the things you would like to create for yourself? Do you get sick when you have to hold back and not be the […]