Heart disease is the leading cause of death claiming 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report; it is the leading cause of death for people of most ethnicities in the United States. Below is the percentage of all deaths caused by heart disease in 2008, listed by ethnicity.4

Race of Ethnic Group:                          % of Deaths

African Americans                                  23.8

American Indians or Alaska Natives   18.4

Asians or Pacific Islanders                     22.2

Whites                                                        23.8

All                                                               23.5

Leading contributors can be the “not-so good” fast foods, chemicals and/or toxins that are in the everyday food or in the air you breathe. Everyone must become more conscious about what they are putting into their bodies. It’s important to be personally cognitive; however it is also important to realize how heart disease affects the entire family.

For example, if it is the father who is ill, the emotional and physical strain on the mother can be overwhelming. She is expected to hold down the fort, overburdened or not. The children, other family members, and even friends may also feel helpless in the situation. The fact is it could be anyone who, regardless of age or stage of life, may be personally affected by a heart condition. Heart problems are ageless.

Perhaps it is time to look at heart problems and heart disease from a different perspective. Let’s consider what could be another factor that may contribute to heart issues and heart disease. Could it be that at the core of heart disease there is an emotional component that can not be seen through tests and technology? An emotionally broken heart does not show up on an x-ray or a test.

A heart condition could be the literal result of a broken heart that happened somewhere in the patient’s past. It could have been an intense emotional experience that was so traumatizing that it emotionally and physically affected the heart, though it was not evident at the time to what extent.

Abuse, no matter whether it is verbal or physical, affects the body at the deepest core. When a child is deeply hurt or experiences extreme trauma, it is so evident when you see the child sobbing from the inner recesses of their chest and heart. The chest heaves so strenuously that the child can hardly breathe. Can you relate? Maybe it was an experience you had, or you witnessed another child or person in this very situation. From both a physical and emotional standpoint, the heart is “broken”. The child goes into an unrecognized shock that is embedded in the body. The shock remains buried in the heart.

Every experience, good or bad, that you have or anyone has, is recorded in the body as Cellular Memory. The body “remembers” while the brain forgets. If emotional and physical traumas continue at various junctures in life, an emotional and physical build-up occurs in the body, eventually resulting, in this particular case, as heart disease. The emotional component can no longer be denied.

Disease does not happen at the time of diagnosis. Illness, disease and a broken heart begin at some juncture in a person’s life which could have been ignored and simply not acknowledged at the time of the incident. What happens then is that the emotions bottle up in the body and affect the health and well-being of a person.

If the person’s weakest area of the body is the heart, heart disease can result. Looking at a  person’s family history, where heart disease is a risk, emotional traumas of the past and the present times affect the body. When the emotional issues are not recognized and only the normal protocols of treatment are given, the person is challenged in the healing process. The more acknowledgements there are in the body, mind, spirit and heart connection, the faster the healing happens.

Knowing how experiences shape the health and well-being of the heart, treating each other with loving kindness and compassion and stop judging each other will create stronger heart connections and physically healthy hearts. With deeper heart connections, especially within the family, there will be more meaningful and beneficial relationships with more supportive and loving bonds between the parents and the children. Healthy, vibrant children make healthy, vibrant adults.

Healthy hearts make healthy lives. Healthy lives make significant contributions both personally and eventually professionally. Stay in your heart, let go of any hurts or traumas of the past, and you shall have a more fulfilled life.

Matters of the Heart

Begin and start

From within to 


Never Doubt

-Wei Chen

Ancient Chinese Poet


Sherry Anshara
Medical Intuitive, Intuitive Business Coach
Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance
480 609 0874
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