From time to time or timeline to timeline, the Sabotage Program is for sure a Duality trap. Sabotage is a creativity-stifling, life-draining, energy-zappy trap that demands the participation of the heavy burden of a victim relationship! The most demanding drain is on your own Self!!!
Sabotage demands having both the victim and the victimizer caught in the trap of Self Denial! In the resonance of Sabotage, the behavior creates spaces in your timelines that repeat over and over again.The person or persons outside of you could be different yet the patterns of Sabotage behavior are the same. Though many times your behavior or their behaviors appear different, in Truth they are the same.
Without judging anyone or your Self, view as NEO from the standpoint of the Non-Emotional Observer and first observe your Self. When and where did you get caught up in a place where you said to your Self… “Oops this is familiar, or Oops I did it again, or Oops why is this always happening to me, or “Oops what is going on!”
With any of these statements as questions to your Self, remember as NEO, with no emotional attachments of right and wrong, good or bad, or whatever Duality words describe the Sabotage Program, what is the attraction of you to Sabotage your Self over and over again.
Please absolutely do not judge your Self. Sabotage is a learned behavior, with the underlying resonance of being a victim who is victimized, even by your own Self. What? What is the “programmed” or “learned” position and positioning to make your Self wrong and bad? Duality stinks!
An underlying issue of sabotage, believe it or not, is validation. You may say to your Self through this unconscious conditioning… “I did everything expected of me” or “it just didn’t work out” or “I must have done something wrong” or “I did my best”… and there are an unlimited number of these statements and questions “blaming” your Self for the results.
This is not the Truth. Yet in Duality, you accept Sabotage as part of life. The TRUTH is in Non-Duality there are no reasons to sabotage your Self at any time. The program through your left computer brain states… “this is part of life”…or “this is Karma, Lessons, and Re-incarnation” or this is how what happens”.
The issues with these statements or questions, unconsciously stuck in your Duality left computer brain, you are not operating your creativity to the fullest. Your creative abilities say within YOU, let’s create the best life. Let’s create abundance! Let’s create whatever it is you are creating deliberately, focused, and directed.
Yet in an underlying unconscious state, these statements happen…To good to be true, waiting for the ax to fall, when will the shoe drop, this won’t last and the list of statements and questions interconnected in the Duality Belief Systems of limitations come to the surface. These Sabotage Behaviors are stuck in your Duality Left Computer Brain of programming.

Look throughout “his”story or “her”story of the times that someone became famous, rich, or whatever and made huge differences in their own lives and the lives of others. Yet through this debilitating Sabotage Program, just one of the Duality Programs of limitation yet a huge one, many of these incredibly talented people Sabotaged their lives. Some died of drug overdoses, some died at their own hands, some created an accident….the ways they took them Selves out is using their own creativity from this unconscious place within them Selves of being worthy or valuable enough to sustain what they have created.
Their Duality Left the Computer Brain in the resonance of Sabotage overrode the real brains, their Hearts. All types of trauma sapped the life out of them. You know who they are. Whether in this current lifetime or in other past timelines.
Naming names is not the point of this article or message. The message is you can learn, not as a lesson, from other people’s experiences. You may not be in the same place or position as these other people, famous or not. Whether they “had made it” or not, their untimely deaths are a result of the Duality Sabotage Program.
Junk the idea or Duality Belief System, it is their “time”! Absolutely absurd! You are in charge of the time when you leave this planet! When you are in your own Power from the inside as NEO the Non-Emotional Observer of what you are creating, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DIE PREMATURELY! WOW! What a Sabotage Program. You deserve to LIVE your LIFE to the fullest. Otherwise what comes here???
In their unconscious consciousness, they were not aware of what they created. So many say it is circumstances, or what happens outside of them that “cost” them their lives or their health. All of these circumstances were created by not connecting to them Selves at their core!
Not having worth or value, knowing they are worthy and valuable. This is a place to begin a new stance for your Self. Dump the Sabotage Program. Begin the Stance of Being in Your Power in the resonance of Non-Duality. You do not have to waste any of your time, your seconds, your minutes, your hours, your weeks, your months, or your years of not believing fully in your Self.
Sabotage is the program of not Believing in YOU. At your Core within you in your body of intelligence, your Cellular Memory is the TRUTH of YOU. Being YOU. Standing in Your TRUTH as a Power Full and Power-Filled Conscious Creator of Your Life!
Sabotage is no longer a factor. Sabotage can no longer waste your valuable time. Sabotage can no longer affect, effect, and infect the how, the when the where and the why you create Your Life Non-Duality Consciously! Sabotage can never stop YOU again! You are in Charge of Life. You are no longer “con”trolled by the insidious Self-Sabotage paradigm. This is definitely the perfect timing for a change of this worthless paradigm.
“Trust your Heart, Trust Your Intuition.. Your Best Guides to a full Power Filled creative life!” – Sherryism |

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About this Event
Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration, and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance will always work for you in the best, most beneficial ways with instant results! The Best Part of this membership… It is so affordable, a small investment with continuing benefits for you each and every day. You have three exciting tiers to choose from! Make and Take this opportunity! You will be so glad you are doing it!
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Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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