Expectations is an incredible word! This word holds so many meanings: prospects, outlooks, opportunities, hopes, anticipation, probabilities, and even suspense. What an amazing list of meanings.
The question to ask is Expectations full of meaning or full of mean? This is a million-dollar question! From the perceptions of emotions, which “means” without facts, expectations can run the gamut from one emotional spectrum to another. In the full spectrum, the full view of expectations infused with emotions, the results or outcomes are not at all what is expected!
Why does this happen? In the emotionality of expectations, especially with these holidays in December, expectations can reach the highest levels of physical and emotionally-physical draining belief systems. These encompassing, especially the Dualistic Belief Systems of what is exactly supposed to happen over the holidays according to all the hype, the stories, the movies and the rhetoric, disappointments, and the all-embracing and all-encompassing ideas of how a holiday is supposed to be!
What happens? The Duality Realties can become many times unrealistic expectations. Disappointments, sadness, judgment of right and wrong, measurements, and yes, unclear expectations. The turmoil of these holidays can result in “hollow dazes”! No Fun!
The view from an observer standpoint is where you stand and what are your own expectations of the holidays. You have a choice! Hollow Daze or Holidays. The more observant you are, sticking to the facts of how you choose to participate will make huge differences in how you “go through” the holidays. Taking each day one day at a time!
By staying out of the outcome so the “income” or the “results” can naturally, with non-emotional logic inherently support you to have the best times. In these best times, staying out of the outcome or the results so the “income” (not money), the results of your participation can happen in the most remarkable, happy and self-supportive ways.
It is not up to you if someone has a good, bad or indifferent holiday. It is not up to someone else if your holiday is good, bad or indifferent. What is up to YOU is how you choose to participate, unrealistically emotional or realistically connected! The connection is to your Self first! Not selfish…Centered in Self, grounded and proactive.

As you take this stance, without unrealistic expectations, that states that someone else’s happiness is based entirely on you, is not real. Supporting someone and assisting someone in their happiness is a significant difference. You can’t make anyone happy or miserable. You can support them in either way.
The significance is how you choose to participate. Again, first with your Self and then with others. The more observant you are non-emotionally yet connected to your Self, you will connect to others.
As you support and assist your Self through the days of the holidays, your days will be joy-filled and fun. The more you try to make someone else happy, if they are not happy, you will experience a hollow daze. You will not be able to “see” your Self through these days.
Only you can make your Holidays, really the best days! To be Whole in these days. Not fall into a hole because of these days. The more you participate with your Self fully enjoying the meaning of the holidays, the more your days become full and whole of the meaning of the holidays through your Heart!
Your Self Heart Connection makes that difference to you. How? By staying out of expectations. These expectations are usually not real but filled with all the emotional “stuffing” of how you are supposed to be, supposed to do and supposed to do something or other!
By just being your Self, taking one day of these holidays, one day at a time! Enjoying what the holidays mean to you. What do these holidays mean to your heart. What these holidays mean to your heart connections.
Consider that the heart connections you have with your Self and with others over these holidays are the best gifts that you have. Truly, all the money in the world can not buy a heart connection.
Heart connections are what the holidays are all about. Yes, giving and getting gifts is wonderful and wondrous. The best gift you can give is giving the connection of your heart to someone. They will feel this and know that you are sharing your gift of life with them.
“Be the gift of connection to your Self and to others heart to heart!” – Sherryism |

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You want to move on and have a peaceful life, but you haven’t healed yet?
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Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration, and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
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Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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