OMG don’t take this personally! As a gift, a dear friend of mine send me this tile with this perfect description engraved on it! Ask-hole, a person who constantly asks for your advice, but always does the opposite of what you tell them!
This “gift” just made me laugh and laugh and brought huge smiles to my face! Here is one of the reasons! So many times to my clients, quoting my Self… please don’t ask me for advice…adding Vice to your life doesn’t work for me or you!
Just love to support and assist my friends and clients to live their best lives both personally and professionally in the best ways. Now their ways might not always be in alignment with mine. Yet so what!
Their lives are their lives. Their intentions are their intentions. Their goals are their goals. Their way of life is their way of life. To go against supporting them and assisting them to discover or find their own inner answers from the Cellular Memory within them is just the best!
So if or when anyone would ask me for advice, again not to add vice to their lives, my first question to them… “Is what would you like to create in your life?” So many times, they will reply… “No one ever asks me that?” They will say.. “I will get advice from their point of view, “but” the person or people really don’t seem to be listening to what I am asking.
So with the definition of an Ask-hole asking for “advice” but not taking it, who is to blame or at fault? Well, the truth is no one is to blame or at fault. The real difficulty is no one is listening to the question or questions. No one is listening to the replies.
Why? Because in Duality Programming, there is always the element of the judgment of a person asking a question. This is again not judgmental. Duality programming does not support listening. The Duality Programming supports Non- Support of Self and each other!
Well if there ever is an oxymoron, Duality is the moron programming. Without listening, anyone can become an Ask-hole seeking answers from someone who may or may not be in a similar predicament. Why because Duality does not support each other or one’s own Self to listen.
Listening is the key to resolution. A solution can not happen until the resolution of the Duality issues or problems is viewed from a Non-Emotional viewpoint. This is, as stated over and over again, the viewpoint of NEO, the Non Emotional Observer view starting with self.

When you start with your Self, it is so much easier to explain your own difficulties and challenges when you are not emotional. Or you are not caught up in the physical emotional turmoil inside of your left computer brain. Your body then is trapped into that “con”versation of ask-holing someone for adding vice to your life from their Duality emotional standpoints.
The challenges then are emotional standpoints from both parties create a non-listening resonance, the left computer brain gets even more emotional, and anyone asking or providing “advice” to the “asker” or from the “asked” gets more and more confused and upset! This is the perfect scenario of the Duality of non-communication of frustration. Everyone involved gets more emotional and the emotionality explodes. No one is listening!
Solutions can not happen. There are no resolutions in the resonance of emotionality! The best place to begin with NEO is to feel what is your body really asking for. Is your body really asking for direction, guidance, and support? YES YES YES!!!
The clear you are asking for assistance. The clear you are asking for a connection. The clear is asking for acknowledgment. When you are in the resonance of asking with Non-Duality clarity, the person you are “asking” for assistance now can be connected to you, without judging you, and be there to support you. The person may not necessarily give you the answers. The person may in this clearly connected resonance be open and willing to listen deeply to your requirements instead of your wanty needy desperation!
What a difference in a situation, where two individuals can come together to listen, give each other support and create a space and environment that is conducive to finding answers that make sense and are applicable. There is no now more reasons to be upset, feel stupid, and be judged by Self or another person.
Two people, in support and assistance, now communicate at a deep profound left of connection! Solutions occur naturally because the foundation of the connections is created from resolutions from the inside out!
Everyone listens and everyone in the best ways heals at the very core of their bodies. Healing is no longer an alone venture. Healing becomes an unmistakable joint venture for both individuals.
The inspiration is that healing spreads through the resonance of connection of the Heartness and Allness of each individual! The resonance spreads and a paradigm shift is created in the most remarkable ways.
The ways being with Listening to the questions as NEO Non-Emotional Observer. The answers come naturally and clearly. The objective is healing in the most practical ways.
“Don’t ask and you will miss your Self… Ask and allow the answer!” – Sherryism |

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You want to move on and have a peaceful life, but you haven’t healed yet?
To heal on all levels, you must be completely “involved” in your healing process.
Then those individuals with whom you participate in your healing process can support you effectively and efficiently as you get well, regardless of the methodologies you choose.
✨Listen to The Quantum Truth Podcast with Sherry Anshara produced by Cassidy Torrey.
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Are you READY for 2021?
About this Event
Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration, and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance will always work for you in the best, most beneficial ways with instant results! The Best Part of this membership… It is so affordable, a small investment with continuing benefits for you each and every day. You have three exciting tiers to choose from! Make and Take this opportunity! You will be so glad you are doing it!
Available 24/7 for you!
See YOU there!
Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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