Understanding Metaphysics

What exactly is Metaphysics? Is it just “woo-woo” or does it hold a place in our duality-driven world? Duality, rooted in limitations, has shaped belief systems for centuries. These belief systems, or “B.S.” as we might call them, have confined our understanding of how things should be, trapping us within the box of perceived reality. But throughout history, there have always been those who refused to be limited by these rules and pushed the boundaries of conventional thinking.

Challenging the Status Quo

Over the ages, individuals who defied the constraints of their time were often labeled rebels, paradigm shifters, futurists, or even witches. Their fate depended on the openness or rigidity of their era. In restrictive times, they faced imprisonment or worse. In more progressive times, they were celebrated as leaders and visionaries.

Every era has its own set of rules, whether in times of war or peace. These rules, often shaped by the winners and losers, define what is considered “real” in science, philosophy, medicine, and more. But is what we perceive as “real” just another product of the belief systems of the time?

The Role of Metaphysics

Enter Metaphysics, a term popularized by Aristotle and his followers. Metaphysics explores the fundamental nature of reality, often described as the “first philosophy” because it goes beyond the physical to examine the unseen. While traditional science dismissed it as less important, Metaphysics asks us to consider reality beyond what is visible, much like how the discovery of bacteria and viruses revolutionized our understanding of health before we could even see them.

Imagine the skepticism faced by those who conceived of microscopes before they existed. They were likely ridiculed, just as those who explore metaphysical concepts today may be dismissed by the mainstream. Yet, these ideas challenge the duality belief systems that have long hindered human progress.

Metaphysics and Natural Intelligence

Metaphysics isn’t just a concept; it’s a practical understanding of life that encompasses both the seen and unseen. The human body’s Natural Intelligence (NI) allows us to feel, see, and experience life in multidimensional ways. Our body’s cellular memory stores these experiences, enabling us to access knowledge beyond the limitations imposed by duality-based programming.

So, let’s discard the limiting labels and definitions that confine us. Embrace the idea that Metaphysics is a natural part of our being, allowing us to live fully and authentically. By tapping into our Metaphysical Self, we can move beyond duality’s limitations and step into our true multidimensional nature.

Beyond Duality: Embrace Your True Self

Meta means “beyond.” To embrace Metaphysics is to embrace a life beyond the constraints of duality. Now is the perfect time to step out of the boxes that have confined you and to live as your unlimited, multidimensional self.

Sherryism: “Embrace being your unlimited self now!”