Achieving your goals can often seem like a daunting task, filled with challenges and doubts. However, when you focus on the clarity of your intentions, you create a powerful foundation that drives your goals to fruition. Let’s explore how to harness this clarity and turn your aspirations into results.

Embrace Multiple Purposes

We often believe we have one grand purpose, but in truth, our lives brim with many purposes across different times and experiences. Each purpose serves as a stepping stone toward our broader goals. When you are clear about your goals, you align with your multiple purposes, creating a roadmap that guides you through various life stages.

Clarity and Focus: The Drivers of Success

Being clear about your goals is like sitting in the driver’s seat of your life. This clarity allows you to focus, making it easier to accomplish what you set out to do. The more focused you are, the more straightforward the path to your goals becomes. However, if doubt creeps in, it can drain your energy and lead to self-sabotage. Recognize that fear roots doubt, disconnecting you from your goals and hindering your progress.

Overcoming the Fear of Outcomes

Fear of outcomes often stems from past experiences of self-doubt. When you focus too much on the outcome, you project yourself into a future that hasn’t happened yet, which can retract your energy and stifle your intuition. This retraction narrows your vision and suppresses your creativity, making it harder to achieve your goals.

The Magic of Being Result-Oriented

Shift your focus to being result-oriented instead of fixating on a specific outcome. This mindset provides flexibility and opens up multiple pathways to achieve your goals. Embrace the possibilities of being result-oriented, giving yourself the freedom to explore different avenues and opportunities. This openness allows you to support your goals in more expansive and productive ways.

Trusting Your Natural Intelligence

Your Natural Intelligence (NI), which stems from your heart, plays a crucial role in achieving your goals. Trusting your NI helps you stay out of the outcome and embrace the results that come naturally. When you stop boxing yourself into specific outcomes, you remove unconscious blocks and allow others to support you.

Practical Magic of Flexibility

As you stay open and observant, you will intuitively see more opportunities. This flexibility allows you to achieve your goals more easily and often in unexpected, productive ways. By staying out of the outcome and focusing on results, you create a space where your goals can manifest naturally, often sooner than you might expect.


Stay out of the outcome and let the results of your goals unfold naturally. Trust your natural intuitiveness and let it be the foundation of your goals. This approach allows your creativity and ability to manifest your aspirations to flourish. Remember, the essence of achieving your goals lies in your intentions, creativity, and willingness to embrace all possibilities.

Sherryism: “Stay out of the outcome so your results happen!”