WOW. Have to begin this article with this incredible word WOW! The WOW becomes the POW when labels are involved. In the Duality paradigm of recreate, recreate, recreate, karma, lessons, and reincarnation over and over and over again, the labels are the underlying propaganda, yes propaganda that separates YOU from YOU. In this Duality resonance of separation, YOU become, again not only separated from the Real You, but you are also separated and divided from others!
Who are the others? They are everyone… family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, bosses, teachers, professionals, this list is huge, frenemies… and the list goes on! The most important (deeper than important) person without doubt is YOU! Buried in labels!
Through these labels attached to you whether good, bad, or indifferent, make tremendous differences in how you live, create, and do your life! Labels stick on you! They are like sticky notes glued on with crazy glue. As these labels are “stuck” on you, you can get confused about your Self at any moment in your time or timelines… “Accordingly this glued on label, how am I supposed to act? How am I supposed to be? The labels… Are they Not about YOU BEING Your SELF? To ACT or ACT OUT in the role of the label! OMG WOW! And WOWZER!!!
What does the word label mean? A label is a tag, a sticker, a marker, a brand, a make, a trademark, and/or a description! A label can also be a classification, a pigeon-“hole”, an identity, class, and/or category. Now none of these words are wrong or even right! These are words of descriptive or descriptives.
As amazing individuals who are multi-talented, everyone, YOU and me, all of us have labels of all sorts of descriptives assigned to each of us. Some of these are so evident! As a professional, the identifications describe you as your educational accomplishments! Fabulous! As a person, you can be identified as a mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, in-law, relative of some kind, step-something or half-something, and/or friend or frenemy. In a neighborhood or building, you can be labeled neighbor, renter, owner, and/or squatter!
In an organization, you can be labeled worker bee, manager, leader, boss, CEO, and the professional list goes on. All organizations including the organization have labels. These are identifiers so others will know the position or positions of the organization.
In politics, there are all sorts of labels, from the President down through the ranks of politicians to the local levels including their supporters, and non-supporters. Always recognizing their positions! More times than not, these labels identify the person or persons as their title, yet these labels more times than not do not define each person as a real person. Especially, not judging, in politics!
The outside actions of a person defined by the label may not always be congruent with what they are projecting. Sometimes what he or she is projecting is really in opposition to what they are saying instead of being! The problem that becomes for everyone, at certain given times in his or her life, is perhaps counterproductive to who they are really being from their inside out!
This counter productivity is counter output because of the limitations of the Duality Programming of assigned labels. What more times than not occurs, is the downside of labels. Labels can be very restrictive in how one participates in his or her life. Labels can be very counterproductive to being the real YOU!
Labels are not bad. The word Bad is described as cruel, wicked, evil, merciless, etc, and most of all NOT HEALTHY! What becomes in the idea of “bad” in these underlying descriptives, of trying and trying and trying to live up to the labels? The downside of bad establishes an unconscious resonance of Self- Judgement, which lowers your immune system.
With a lowered immune system, you get sick, emotionally challenged, upset, ill, diseased, and dysfunctional from the inside out. All because, of the unconscious emotional attachment to the past, to the timelines, to the experiences, again always without judging, being labeled as bad.
Or labeled something that is so amazing…and yet unconsciously, there is an emotional attachment to this amazing label that is counterproductive to a Self-Sabotaging label stuck in your Duality left computer brain. Whenever this nonproductive label got stuck on you!
How many times, did you or me or anyone try and try to prove our Selves? And even did!!! Yet underlying all the experiences, education, or knowledge gathered, a horrific label is assigned to you from very early childhood, and even in the womb denies your brilliance! Sabotage unconsciously rears its ugly label!
So the point of this article is to embrace the labels, the descriptions, and the brilliance of YOU. The amazing labels are simple and wondrous images of the Real YOU that you are projecting from the inside out consciously. Delete the labels that confine you, restrict you and have you deny YOU to Your Self!
“Labels are descriptives, the natural ingredients of the amazing YOU!” – Sherryism |
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