There’s a relatively new concept called Emotional Intelligence, but how interesting is it? After decades of supporting and assisting individuals of all ages and stages—families, entrepreneurs, millionaires, even babies in the womb—one thing stands out: emotions and intelligence don’t align. In my 31 years of guiding people through healing, it’s clear that emotions have nothing to do with intelligence, but everything to do with creating turmoil and imbalance in the body.

True Emotions

The True Impact of Emotions

Let’s get straight to the point—emotions, whether physical or mental, have a profound effect on your health. Emotions affect, infect, and alter your life and your body. They make you sick! No matter the time frame, unresolved emotions trigger illness, disease, and dysfunction. That’s what emotions do.

In all my years as a Medical Intuitive, I’ve observed that the more emotionally challenged someone is, the more their physical body suffers. Emotions aren’t just feelings—they’re physical reactions that impact your health and well-being from the inside out. So if emotions were truly intelligent, why do they wreak so much havoc on the body?

Where Do Emotions Come From?

Here’s the million-dollar question: where are these emotions generated? Emotions are born in the left “computer” brain, which is grounded in duality and stuck in past trauma and drama. The left brain doesn’t know what time it is. It only recognizes emotional triggers from past experiences, continuously recycling these moments like a broken record.

And that’s the kicker—the left brain can’t move beyond these emotional wounds, and that’s why trauma repeats itself over and over again, regardless of the date on the calendar. This constant loop has nothing to do with intelligence. If emotions were intelligent, they wouldn’t lead you back into the same emotional traumas time after time.

Breaking Free from Emotional Cycles

Think about this: every time you’re triggered by certain words, behaviors, or people, you’re responding to an emotional memory that keeps you stuck in the past. This emotional pattern doesn’t serve you; it only debilitates you. So, why continue to buy into the belief system that emotions have intelligence?

Your body’s cells hold onto these emotional memories, carrying them into the present moment and influencing your future. The beauty of the present moment, though, is that it offers a powerful opportunity for change. In this very moment, you can shift out of emotional trauma and step into empowerment.

The Power of the Present Moment

The present moment is your space for transformation. It’s where you can break the cycle of emotional trauma and drama, and step into your full, healthy, creative self. The power lies in being conscious, non-emotional, and focused on moving forward.

But consider this: according to Wikipedia, emotional intelligence is the ability to “understand, manage, and handle emotions.” It claims that people with emotional intelligence can recognize and adapt to their emotions and environments. Without judgment, let’s call this what it is: nonsense! This idea continues to reinforce the duality-based programming of being a victim. Emotional intelligence is not intelligence at all.

Feelings vs. Emotions

It’s time to clear up the confusion—feelings are not emotions. Feelings are your body’s recognition that an experience or situation resonates with your truth. Emotions, on the other hand, are the unresolved disconnections stuck in the past. They have no place in the present and certainly no intelligence.

Final Thoughts


Emotions are the core of illness, disease, and dysfunction. They are not the solution—they’re the problem. The power to heal and thrive lies in recognizing this truth and stepping into your intelligence, free from the baggage of emotional trauma.

Ready to Break Free from Emotional Patterns?

If you’re ready to break the cycle of emotional trauma and step into your empowered, healthy self, book a session with Sherry today. Together, we can explore how to release these patterns and guide you to a life of clarity and well-being.

Sherryism “No Red Flags is being NEO Non-Emotional Observer and Being Your Truth!”