Why does your body have so much information in it? Look at your physical body from an observing perspective:
Spaces of consciousness
- Male
- Female
- Childish Adult Ego
- Child Within
- Spirit
- Soul
- Divine Mind – Higher Self
- Computer Brain – Lower Self
- Physical Systems, ie: Organs, Nervous, Circulatory, etc.
- Higher Self
- Chakra Systems – 7 and 13
- Polarity – Negative – Positive
- In body
- Out of body
- Etheric body
- Dead body?
And in Duality the List Goes On!!!!
Isn’t it ridiculous that your body has been so segmented into mini me’s of you? You have been divided into so many parts of self! No wonder the parts of you have such a difficult time connecting with each other. Why? Because the underlying consciousness is that you have been taught to be disconnected from all aspects of your Self.
Many religious Belief Systems perpetuate the myths that you won’t be whole until you die. If that were the truth…then “why” in the re-incarnation. Karma, and lessons programs do you have to return to earth from heaven… something is “up” here? And that something isn’t you because you are “downed” on a return engagement to engage in the “just didn’t quite get it” program of the recycle bin/repeat performance gig on the same, different backdrop, stage, different lifetime, same old stuff.
From this vantage point, how could you “pull your Self together”. No wonder you have to retrieve your soul, your male, and female have to “duke” it out with each other! Your Childish Adult Ego has to exist in survival mode, while your wondrous Child Within has to wait around for ions, centuries, and years in this lifetime waiting for the CAE to grow up and get conscious!
Guess what? Your body is stressed out over and over again throughout your continuum, trying to get your attention through pain, illness and disease to override your computer brain that is running all the Duality programs of limitations, illness, disease, pain, etc, etc, etc!
This is called living. Why? What is my life all about? You can not change the “what” of the issue or problems until you get to the “why”, the core cause of dysfunction. Therefore “why me?” is very appropriate. As a result of the separation and divisions of your consciousness, you struggle through all these disconnections of your Self. How can you even attempt to explain to your Self about being whole, when the sum of your parts is disconnected from each other? How can you “put your Self together”?
It is no wonder that you can’t figure out what’s going on in your life. There is no wonder in wondering what’s going on. It is no wonder Duality is the recycle bin of madness. What is more of a wonder is that through Karma. Lessons and Re-incarnation Programs, you are left wondering in the dust (death) what the hell happened along your divided path. What the hell is “up” with heaven if you have to keep coming back with the same issues? It doesn’t make any sense and it is not sensible or even practical.
The Path of least resistance? What? The Path of most resistance? Where? The one Path! The only Path! The Path! They are all the same Paths. Please view as Neo Non-Emotional Observer, that there is NO ONE PATH! You have created, unknowingly and sometimes knowingly that you have many Paths and avenues.
Consider that you have and created, unconscious or conscious many Pathways throughout your continuum. Look at the Tree of Life. You are the Tree, the branches, the leaves, the legacy you give your Self and what you “leave” behind when your Duality Path is completed this time around.
This is the perfect time and timing to clear your Self and determine for Your Self.. what would you like to keep in your experiences, expand upon the knowledge you gained, use the information or dump what is no longer relevant to your life. Why waste one more second of your Self redoing old “stuff”.
You can get off the Duality not-so-merry-go-round any time you make a clear conscious CHOICE. Duality emotional “decisions” keep you stuck! The key to the completion of your Path is being Conscious and living Consciously for your Self. Then you are in the moment and in charge of your Path, which is POWERFUL. YOU create your Path and YOU comprehend YOU are the Path.
Illustration of the One Path/Many Pathways.
Completed August 2008

“Love and marriage go together with your two conscious partners within your Self…in the sacredness of your male and female within you…that’s how it works!” – Sherryism |

Are you READY for 2021?
About this Event
Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance will always work for you in the best, most beneficial ways with instant results! The Best Part of this membership… It is so affordable, a small investment with continuing benefits for you each and every day. You have three exciting tiers to choose from! Make and Take this opportunity! You will be so glad you are doing it!
Available 24/7 for you!
See YOU there!
Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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