According to the metaphysical teaching and even some Duality Belief Systems when you show up here on Earth or anywhere in this Universe for that matter, you write a script. Amazing! In the script you are the writer, director, producer, behind the scenes experiences and connection to people in your unconsciousness, in your subconscious which is your left Duality computer brain, your trauma dramas… and in the old 7 Duality Chakra System, you are the Casting Director drawing all the profiles into your life! WOW!
In the profiles that you cast into your life are those incredible people who you have written into your script to participating with them. In Duality there is good, bad, and indifferent! In Duality everyone and everything, your experiences are based upon Karma, Lessons, and Reincarnation! OMG.
Karma is the factor that what you put out you get back. Makes sense. When what you get back is a trauma drama, then you can in Duality terms say it was Lesson! OMG, No judgment yet how stupid! The word lesson is less on less on less on that turns into more on moron moron! So simple! Yet in Duality it is complicated only because being the cause of your left “con”trolled Duality brain that loves to embrace your trauma dramas in your Duality scripts.
These trauma dramas provide the answers to lessons and even reincarnation. Reincarnating the same Duality Belief Systems, B.S. over and over again. Rich, poor, leader, follower, victim, victimizer, more than, less than, and the list of the Duality Do-Over experiences are written very unconsciously carefully so you can have your Duality experiences to explain your Self.
If there is one Non-Benefit in your Duality scripts and scripts is having to explain your Self. What a drag! Isn’t it irritating that you “have to explain” your Self to an outside source or “leader” whatever the title or label of the person or group to have to explain what you are being and doing? WHAT?!?!

The programming of Duality is founded upon writing a script in which you have to create trauma dramas, participate in your own and other people’s trauma dramas, or in a group collective trauma drama to give you credibility and acceptance. Is this ridiculous? For sure!!!
How debilitating to be in a script that has prescriptions, and descriptions in which you are conscription to play out your roles or roles with a foundation of Duality’s limitations and constrictions in your life or lifetimes in your continuum. When you see the idea or Belief System of scripts, and you step away or above from the perspective, not perception of being Non-Emotional, and view your own Self, you are in the best position to “see”, realize with “Real Eyes” how you have been the leading role in your script! WOWZER!
When you realize with “Real Eyes” that many people you have cast into your script are many times repeated profiles with the same behaviors that you as the definer in your life of roles, they roll right in and you accept them. Though many may be different people the profile is the same! Outstanding. You standing “out” in the script, though the center of attention is not being paid any attention. Duality is amazing how it works for you to work against your Self.
When you get really clear and conscious that you are indeed the script writer, you can now very Non-Duality Consciously “write”, “right” and in the best “rite” of passage bring people into your life that you can resonate with as equals and connected. Brilliant!
Just imagine the Realness of having relationships, where you are accepting and accepting of each other. The labels or boxes or titles do not have to be a hindrance in a clear, productive, and amazing relationship. Well, the first relationship in your script has to start with you!
As you become more clear of you, your Self, and your life, your resonance expands beyond the limitations of the Duality Scripts! Now you can be very deliberate, focused, and directed about how you would like to live your life, have your life and choose those in your life that best suit you. The best part is you fit them!
There is no “wanty” or “needy” to be a part of a dysfunction Duality relationship. The best requirement in Non-Duality relationships is Unconditional Acceptance. In Duality Unconditional Love is the idea. Yet it never works. There are too many caveats to Unconditional Love that have….If you do this, if you change to meet my expectations, however, love you and the list of stipulations goes on and on!
In Non-Duality Unconditional Acceptance is the foundation of the relationships of becoming a Real Non-Duality Human in the most Real, Accepting, and Connected Ways. You are recognizing your Self as a Conscious Person who knows how to write a power full and power filled script and cast fabulous people in your life through consciously creating experiences that you love experiencing.
Is this Pie In The Sky? NO. This is what being an Ascended Master is in your current body without transitioning or dying. This is to Ascend in real, practical ways with those that are choosing to be in alignment with you together. This is Involved in Conscious Evolution in real, practical, make-sense ways!
Now writing your Script clearly, deliberately, focused, and directed makes sense. You are actually in charge of how you participate in your life. You are in charge of how you participate. You are in charge with whom you participate. Guess What? The people you draw into your life into your script RESONATE WITH YOU.
So the differences are exceptional, and extraordinary and make sense in how you are writing your life, your experiences, your relationships, and utilizing your time in the most productive and outstanding ways. This is the best time on this planet now to let go of the past that is no longer relevant to you. Keep what serves you, expand upon it!
“Write your life that makes sense to YOU and you love!” – Sherryism |

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You want to move on and have a peaceful life, but you haven’t healed yet?
To heal on all levels, you must be completely “involved” in your healing process.
Then those individuals with whom you participate in your healing process can support you effectively and efficiently as you get well, regardless of the methodologies you choose.
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Are you READY for 2021?
About this Event
Are YOU willing to Step into known but forgotten Multi dimensions of Your Self… IF NOT NOW, WHEN?
In this series of bi-weekly webcasts, Sherry will share with you her ‘insider secrets’ of this Shift: why it’s occurring now, what’s behind it, and how you can use it to your full advantage to Wake Up!
This is a powerful time to be using the shifting energy to fully step into the life you choose, rather than the life that chose you! Join Sherry for this ‘gathering’ for insights, inspiration, and the steps to take next in this exciting time of massive awakening on planet earth.

This is an opportunity for me to share with YOU videos, articles, practical methods, insightful techniques, and more which are easy. The best part… ALL of the information is so useful and implementable for you in your everyday life, personally and professionally.
The Anshara Method of Accelerated Healing and Abundance will always work for you in the best, most beneficial ways with instant results! The Best Part of this membership… It is so affordable, a small investment with continuing benefits for you each and every day. You have three exciting tiers to choose from! Make and Take this opportunity! You will be so glad you are doing it!
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See YOU there!
Coming Attractions: As we grow, we will have every Sunday night at 5:00 PM MST on our private live FB Group Soul Full Sundays to connect with me and each other!

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